Resource exploitation in the democratic republic of the congo
Join HUFW for a panel debate on the social, economic and environmental impact of Resource exploitation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Wednesday, April 20th 2022 at 6:30pm in room 22 of the faculty!
Together with Studies Without Borders, Humboldt Forum Wirtschaft has organized a panel discussion on Resource Exploitation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on April 20th 2022 at 6:30pm in Room 22 of the faculty. They have invited speakers from the scientific community and the social sector for two short key notes and the following discussion:
Prof. Nene Morisho is Professor of Economics and Director of the Pole Institute in Goma (DR Congo). In these functions, he works on issues concerning the governance of the mining sector.
As the Global Lead for Mining & Metals at WWF, Tobias Kind is part of various research projects, supports certification and standards initiatives and consults businesses on responsible mining and metals supply chains.
The discussion is moderated by Prof. Nikolaus Wolf, who teaches at our faculty.
There will also be room for questions from the audience.
Further information can be found on our instagram channels: @sog_berlin and @humboldtforumwirtschaft